ANTI-IMPERIALIST MILITARY SCHOOL; THREAT AND SIGN OF DICTATORSHIP Carlos Sanchez Berzain8/24/2016 The non-democratic regimes in Latin America have inaugurated in Bolivia the “Anti-Imperialist Military School”, that publicly gathers and institutionalizes the ideological dogma of the Cuban dictatorship, which is the base for the governments of Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia and Nicaragua (VEBN). The governments of Maduro, Correa, Morales and Ortega, have made public the political control of the Armed Forces in their respective countries. They are, one more time, defying and despising the world’s democracies, showing they are dictatorships.
The objectives of the Anti-imperialist Military School (AMS) establish that its creation obeys to: “the need to promote ideas, studies and debates to build a current of thought to confront the cultural, ideological, political, and economic domain of the empire and his capitalist structures”. That “seeks to develop a doctrine for the defense of the country, the region, and the continent”. That “looks forward to open a new institutional space for the discussion and construction of the anti-colonialist, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist thought of the Armed Forces and the social movements”. That “it looks for political and economic alternatives which are not an imposition of free market, directed by capitalist dictatorship”; and that “seeks to find out the nature of the empire…” Additionally, they have presented the “codes” for their school, declaring: “the anti-imperial thought must serve to integrate the strategic blocks…”; that “The Armed Forces must defend against any foreign intervention and assume that aggression against one of his countries is an aggression to all”. That “DO NOT AGREE WITH FREE MARKET NEITHER WITH LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES, as wild competition allows the strong to eat the weak” … Is it necessary a deeper confession or declaration of purpose? As if it wouldn’t be enough, resuming the objectives and parameters of the anti-imperialist school, the political and strategic objective of CEVBN spoken by its host, Evo Morales, are, “to see this dream become true, we need to decolonize and fight, so there are no empires”. Mentioning as well, that “the media has become a war weapon of imperial indoctrination”. Which coming from a chief of state represents the military policy of the entire members of the group of the 21st century socialism. Besides being an act of dictatorial reaffirmation, it shows absolute disdain for freedom and democracy. Simply stated it is a “declaration of war” to democracy, to freedom of the press, to property rights; basically, to human rights and fundamental freedom. It is a real threat, not only against democracy, but also against peace and international security for which the UN, the OAS and all other specialized organizations have been created. Besides its disdain for democracy, besides its repudiation of the Inter-American Democratic Letter, it is a repeated offense on democratic order as it reinstates the submission of the Armed Forces to the political power, clearly showing the inexistence of “the state of law”. Regarding “the empire”, it obviously means the United States of America, to whom the Cuban dictatorship has been voicing the same speech for 57 years, and keeps on promoting it, although the Cold War is over. Now we see an amplified concept for all Latin America, with expectations of reaching the world. These are threats to put an end to “liberal democracy”, “free market”, “freedom of the press”, “freedom”; in a military context where the dictator of the Bolivian Plurinational State, –in name of all the 21st century socialism—has put to work the frontal stage of aggression, in complicity with the general godfather of Venezuela, and the highest military ranking officers representing the five Latin American dictatorships. Coincidentally or not, in the next coming days will arrive to tour these five countries, the Foreign Minister of Iran. Iran keeps similar objectives and arguments than those established for the Anti-imperialist Military School. They have an office in the same building as the school, as well as ALBA. In 2011 the Iranian Minister of Defense, Ahmad Vahidi, requested by Argentina for his implication in the AMIA attempt, stayed in the same building. Drug trafficking that originates in Bolivia and goes through Venezuela seems to be one of the main supporters of Islamic Terrorism. A ship with a Bolivian flag was recently captured with a large cocaine cargo for the terrorists… Democracy cannot remain defenseless, while dictatorships try to publicly legitimize their speech of confrontation, violence, and violation of human rights, peace and international security. The Latin American dictatorships are economically and politically non-viable, they are a failure, they are in crisis, and on their way out. The dictators know they will lose power and are afraid to confront the trials for crimes and corruption. They are refining their method of violence institutionalizing it. The Anti-imperialist Military School, is another sign of dictatorship and threat against all democratic countries and free citizens of the region and the world. *Attorney at Law, Political Scientist. Director of the Inter- American Institute for Democracy.
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